"To improve and promote the wellness and recovery of persons with, or at risk of, behavioral healthcare needs, substance use disorder and/or intellectual/developmental disabilities, who reside in Newaygo County, through the provision of integrated, person/family-centered, and trauma informed services."
Newaygo County Mental Health Center is committed to meeting the challenges of the 21st century. As part of this commitment, the Center will develop the competencies necessary to provide mental health, developmentally disabled, and substance abuse services in a managed care environment. Improving the wellness and recovery of those identified citizens most in need will continue to be the center's primary focus, with prevention, wellness, and recovery programs being the core components in the person/family-centered integrated services.
As a member of the Mid-State Health Network (MSHN), the Center will also work hard to become partners in the provision of services with other agencies in the county, region, and state-wide as a means to create integrated delivery systems. The Center will collaborate with its community partners, develop a seamless system of care where clients can have timely access to needed services. As stakeholders demand increased accountability and transparency, integrated delivery systems that are able to demonstrate efficiencies, effectiveness, and quality will be in the forefront of health care reform.
Finally, the center will continue to operate within the philosophy of being an active participant in the promotion, building, and the sustaining of a Trauma Informed and Recovery Oriented System of Care within Newaygo County. This will require our organization to continually evaluate and improve upon its ability to:
a. promote a Trauma Informed and Recovery Oriented System of Care in the community;
b. be accountable to the clients and community we serve within the ROSC
c. Promote the empowerment of those we serve to be an active participant in their individual journey of recovery
d. partner with those we serve, monitoring and improving their overall health and recovery
e. advocate on behalf of those we serve for their integration in the community in which they live to the full extent of their respective choices and abilities.
a. All aspects of the agency will be trauma informed and person/family centered.
b. Services shall be accessible.
c. All people shall be treated with dignity and respect.
d. Offer quality products and services in accordance with the MSHN service array.
e. Ensure that employees are given the resources to tailor services to the individual and family.
f. All persons shall be safe; free from abuse and exploitation.
g. All levels of confidentiality shall be respected.
h. Services shall emphasize integration and be community-based.
i. Services shall be outcome oriented, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
j. Services shall be based on person, family, and employee strengths.
k. Persons, families, and employees shall be empowered.
l. All services shall emphasize collaboration.
m. The agency shall promote satisfaction with services and employment.
n. Employee training shall promote services based on best practices and outcome-based practices
o. The agency shall be culturally sensitive.
p. Services shall be reimbursed fairly and accurately.
q. Services shall promote positive parent-child interaction and family coping skills and functions.
r. Services shall promote healthy childhood growth and optimal child development.